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Главная » 2014 » Март » 15
Урок-игра по теме “Food”
1. Read the names of fruits:
Melno (lemon)
Pleap (apple)
Abnana (banana)
Imki (milk)
Ajm (jam)
Sifh (fish)
2. Write the missing letters
m – lk
ch – se
sw – t
ca – ot
ca – age
bu – er
co – ee
dr – nk
me – t
t – a
f – sh
sal – mi

3. Name the colours of food:

milk (white)
bread (white, brown)
lemon (yellow)
apple (green, red, yellow)
coffee (blаck)
banana (yellow)
meat (red)
cheese (white, yellow)
sugar (white)
orange (orange)
carrot (orange)
corn (yellow)
pop-corn (white)
salt (white)
cucumber (green)

4. Put the word to make the rhyme:
A soft boiled . . . (egg)
For sister Meg.
Some cheese and . . . (ham, jam)
For brother Sam.

A plate of . . . (meat)
For brother Pele.

Mike and Andy
Like sweets and . . . (candy).
5. Put the words into the shop departments:
Название отделов: овощной, мясной, молочный, кондитерский.

milk carrots
meat lemons
tea bananas
corn sugar
butter salami
sweets cakes
fish chicken
cabbage tomatoes
coffee cheese
ice-cream sandwich

6.Для совершенствования навыков диалогической ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1827 | Добавил: vilena | Дата: 15.03.2014 | Комментарии (0)

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