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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 13 » Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе "Мое село в годы Великой Отечественной войны"
Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе "Мое село в годы Великой Отечественной войны"
Конспект урока английского языка
Педагог: Ключникова Татьяна Дмитриевна
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 10
Тема урока: «Our village during the Great Patriotic War»
УМК: “English 10-11 В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Используемые методы, технологии обучения: системно-деятельностный подход, элементы технологии развивающего обучения.
Формы работы:
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, ноутбук, материалы школьного музея.
- to organize pupils’ project work;
- to improve speaking and listening comprehension skills;
- to generalize and enlarge the pupils’ knowledge on the topic;
- to develop their fluency in using the language;
- to cultivate love for our Motherland, to our native village.
Ход урока
I. Greeting
Teacher: Good morning! I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope you are well and we’ll have wonderful minutes of communication.
II. Целеполагание и мотивация
We have spoken a lot of about Russia, its geographical position, political system, the capital city. I want you to guess we are going to speak about today. To find out the theme of the lesson, let’s read this poem. I believe you’ll enjoy it.
Green forests
Splendid fields
Where nightingales sing
Where pond gurgles;
Quiet wind whispers
This is my native village
The second Terbuny.
As you can guess from the poem the topic of our lesson today is… (учащиеся с мест подсказывают учителю) You are right. Today we are going to speak about the place, where you were born and live in. Today we’ll speak about our village the second Terbuny.
III. Warm-up Activities.
The poem makes really great impression. It is very beautiful and full of emotions. I think you agree with me. It is about our Motherland. What synonyms to the word “Motherland” do you know? Let’s make the word-map:

As far as you have understood the word “Motherland” has two meanings:
- It is our country. It is our village.
- It is the place where you were born. It is your village, your house. Usually this place is the best one in the world. There is no place like home. It is true.
And now answer my question. What does your Motherland begin with for you?
Pupil1: My Motherland begins with the dearest person in the world – my mother.
Pupil2: My Motherland begins with my home, my parents.
Pupil3: Motherland means to love my village, my family.
Pupil4: My Motherland is our wonderful nature.
Pupil5: My Motherland is the history of our village, its outstanding people.
IV. Presentation of pupils’ projects
Teacher Our lesson today is a project lesson. I know you have done different projects about our village during the Great Patriotic War and you are ready to present them right now. Every project of yours will be accompanied by interesting slides. Nastya, our top operator, is responsible for multimedia aids. She will help you with your project presentation.
Pay attention to the screen, listen to your classmates and ask questions!
At the end of the lesson we’ll do some exercises to see how attentive you are. So first of all we’ll begin to listen to first project about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Marina found this information in our museum.
I. Project «The beginning of the Great Patriotic War »
The Great Patriotic War was the most severe and bloody war among the whole ones the Soviet Union has ever suffered. This war was not only the dramatic but as well the heroic period in the history of the Soviet people. That’s why it is called The Great Patriotic War. The chronicles of this war are full of the examples of real courage and heroism of millions of soviet people who defended selflessly the honor of their country.
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Hitler's armies attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. It was the great trial for all people of our country. Many people left their families and went to the front to defend our Motherland. A day before, on 21st of June, in all schools of the country there was a party - the last school ball. Girls and boys had just finished school. They were dancing, dreaming of the future and did not know that the following day, they would go to war and never come home again
For the Soviet Union the war lasted for 4 years. It was a very hard time for everyone. In many cities and villages there was starvation. Millions of Soviet people died in this war. But they won and became heroes to every Russian person.
Only 2 veterans are still alive in our village.
Together with all Soviet people 480 inhabitants of our village took an active part in the war. From them, over 250 were killed.
"All for the front, all for the victory!"
Women, teenagers and labour veterans took their places in the fields, producing bread for the front. They did their best to help their country at that difficult time. People of our village sent a lot of parcels with food and warm clothes to the front.
People of the second Terbuny sent a lot of parcels with food and warm clothes, more than 28 million poods of meat, 5 million and 110 poods of butter and 40 000 eggs to the front.
"All for the front, all for the victory!"
A. P. Gavshin and A. S. Karpova
In 1941 when A. P. Gavshin was 18 he went to front as a volunteer. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the medal For the Defenсe of Moscow, the Order of Patriotic War the First Class.
Antonina Stepanovna Karpova
She is the real hero of my village. She has a lot of memories and different stories. It’s very interesting to listen to her imagining the pictures of her hard life.
II. Project «Teachers – members of the Great Patriotic War »
The war constantly disturbed the life of the school by mobilization of the senior students. Many students went to the front voluntarily, such as Ivan Timofeyevich Kolpakov.
Ivan Timofeyevich Kolpakov - Defender of Leningrad
He only returned home in 1946 and was then assigned to work as a teacher of History in our village. In 1963 was appointed the director of school.
His wide erudition, keenness on his job and love to people, aspiration to share his knowledge with other people and help anybody who needs it were the things, which attracted other people. Just due to people like Ivan Timofeyevich , we, the generation of the 21st century, had the chance to see the light of day. This remarkable man passed away a long time ago, but teachers, students, all still remember him very well.
Eternal glory to the victors!
War years brought hard trials into the school.
The war touched all the sides of the training school life. A great attention was paid to the military preparation. The classrooms were not only cramped but cold and dark.
Almost all the men-teachers were mobilized to the front. G. N. Demidov - the director of the school, went to the front voluntarily. He knew German very well. G. N. Demidov worked as an interpreter. He disappeared without a trace.
Shpilevskiy V.M. - a head of studies. He was a widely- erudite, well-read teacher with brilliant memory. He taught students Biology very well. He was completely devoted to his profession. He knew his subject very well and taught it enthusiastically. Students admired by him kindness, tact and attention to their needs. Shpilevskiy V.M. went to the front voluntarily.
Alexander Alexandrovich Mezhevoy
In 1944 was taken to Krondstatskiy front. He was not only a kind teacher but also a great painter. Alexander Alexandrovich was fond of nature and tried to show the amazing pictures of nature in his painting works. His hobby was painting. He was a talented person. Alexander Alexandrovich pictured the houses, the native church, the forest in different seasons of the year.
Young people were taken to work for the Germans. Among them was Ekaterina Polukhina (a teacher of Germany). They were kept there in subhuman conditions. The food was barely enough to keep them alive and they were worked mercilessly. They worked from sunrise to sunset.
In December 1941 the territory of our village was occupied by the aggressors. The soldiers went from house to house and took cattle, bread, expensive things, and clothes from the people. During the Great Patriotic War soldiers from my village showed real heroism in the fight against fascist invaders. They were always in the first ranks.
III. Project « Eternal glory to the victors! »
Peoples of different nationalities defended my village from the enemy.
The divisions of the 112-th Army (commander-in-chief major G. A. Naficov) liberated the territory of our district from the fascist aggressors on the 27 –th of January 1943.
On the 9th of May every year students of our school take part in a meeting of Victory. This meeting is devoted to the Patriotic War. In honor of heroes killed, wounded in this bloody war, we lay wreaths and flowers to the monument.
More than 69 years have passed since that terrible war. It has left unforgettable feelings not only on pages of books and picture albums, but also in genetic memory of our people. No doubt, we must know our roots, the heroic past of our fellow countrymen.
Every year War veterans in large cities and small villages come together to celebrate Victory Day. They traditionally go to the War memorials to honour the memory of war heroes. But the numbers of veterans become fewer from year to year. Time takes that historic day farther away from us, but we always must remember it because it is closely related with our grandparents or great grandparents which did all their best to bring this victory closer.
Our country lost more than 20 mln. of people in that war and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

V. Summarizing.
Teacher: Thank you for your wonderful work. You are very talented and creative children. It was amassing to listen to your projects. Thank you for your love, care and your willingness to share it with us. I fully agree with you that our Motherland begins for you here in our native village. Without doubt everyone today gets excellent marks. And now let’s sing a song “Where Does Your Homeland Begin For You?”

Word by Matussovsky

Say where does your Homeland begins for you?
With pictures on ABC cards,
With old and reliable friends of yours,
Who live in the neighboring yards?
But maybe it starts with the cradlesong
Your mother once hummed low and sweet,
The memories which no one can take from you,
Whatever ordeals you may meet.
Our lesson is over. Good bye. See you tomorrow.
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